The Better Waverly Community Organization is celebrating summer by hosting WAVEscape with a grant from MECU. Wavescape is an event to bring together the various artists, craftspeople, musicians, and other performers of Waverly and Better Waverly. The festival will take place at the Montpelier and 30th Saint Park. It is bordered by Ellerslie Avenue on the east, Matthews Street on the west, 30th Street on the south, and Montpelier Street on the north.
We want to show off the talent of all the artists in the Waverlies, so anyone living in Waverly or Better Waverly is welcome to participate. The BWCO and Wavescape are calling any artists or artisans who want to showcase or vend their work, as well as performing artists, musicians, writers, and any other type of artist! We will have a stage at Wavescape for performers to use, as well as a sound system.